
RIGF Instrument

Neptune High Resolution Multicollector ICP MS

The Thermo Scientific™ Neptune XT™ MC-ICP-MS integrates established field-proven technologies of the Neptune Series instruments with the latest developments in technology for isotope ratio analysis from Thermo Fisher Scientific™. These developments include 1013 Ω Amplifier Technology with gain calibration and Tau correction, a Jet Interface for highest sensitivity, and a central dual-channel detector (SEM/Faraday cup). View a technical description

Triton Plus Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometer (TIMS)

The TIMS system is ideal for the high-precision analysis of isotope ratios of Earth material, typically used for dating and tracing purposes. View a techincal description.

High-Resolution Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer Element XR

The High-Resolution Element XR is capable of measuring the concentrations of metals and non-metals within a high dynamic range, i.e., concentrations as low as parts per trillion (ppt) to as high as parts per thousand (permil). View a technical description. 

Photon Machines Analyte 193 Excimer Laser Ablation System

The laser system is used for the ablation of solid material which is directly input to the Element XR high-resolution ICPMS. View a technical description.

Radiogenic Isotope Geosciences Facility